By default Rserve allows you to access the Rserve instance using localhost and port as 6311
This can be changed by creating a configuration file and specifying it as arguments to Rserve.
The configuration file is not present by default we will have to create one.
Create a file Rserv.cfg ( you can use any name doesnot matter)
Inside the Rserv.cfg
This will take in the arguments specified in the cfg file
For more parameters and command line arguments for Rserve visit Rserve Documentation
This can be changed by creating a configuration file and specifying it as arguments to Rserve.
The configuration file is not present by default we will have to create one.
Create a file Rserv.cfg ( you can use any name doesnot matter)
Inside the Rserv.cfg
remote enable port 6566 plaintext disableR command to start Rserve
Rserve(args="--RS-conf D:\fakepath\Rserv.cfg")replace absolute path in windows to the corresponding Linux equivalent. Have heard there is a config file in /etc/Rserve.conf( not sure though) if not create a new one.
This will take in the arguments specified in the cfg file
For more parameters and command line arguments for Rserve visit Rserve Documentation