rid of any servletcontainer-specific libraries such as jsp-api.jar in
your /WEB-INF/lib folder. This exception indicates that you've put
servletcontainer-specific libraries of a container which supports only
Servlet 2.4 / JSP 2.0 or older in there (the getJspApplicationContext()
method was introduced in Servlet 2.5 / JSP 2.1). This is a major
mistake. Those libraries don't belong in the webapp's classpath.
you did this to overcome project compilation errors, which is indeed a
pretty common beginner's mistake. This should have been solved
differently, you should refer the target runtime in your project, not
copy some libraries of an arbitraty servletcontainer make/version into
your project. It would make your project incompatible with
servletcontainers of a different make and/or version.